Kemetic Mindfulness for Entrepreneurs
Hello, I am Dr. Ebony Utley, a Professor from California State University Long Beach, USA. I am also the founder of Ebony Yoga which is a private partner in the research project Kemetic Mindfulness for Entrepreneurs.
Kemetic Mindfulness for Entrepreneurs
Hello, I am Dr. Ebony Utley, a Professor from California State University Long Beach, USA. I am also the founder of Ebony Yoga which is a private partner in the research project Kemetic Mindfulness for Entrepreneurs.
Who is eligible to participate in this study?
I am recruiting entrepreneurs aged 18 and older for a research study. The study is titled “Kemetic Mindfulness for Entrepreneurs.” If you meet any of the following criteria, you are welcome to participate:
1) students involved in educational programs to boost their entrepreneurial skills
2) early-stage entrepreneurs just starting out
3) established entrepreneurs
What do I have to do to participate in this study?
The 8-week program explores whether exposure to Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) concepts, yoga, and meditation: 1) impacts entrepreneurs’ wellbeing by offering tools for emotional regulation and practicing stress management and 2) increases entrepreneurs’ Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation by enhancing their innovativeness, risk tolerance, and proactiveness. If you agree to participate you will be asked to:
➔ sign an informed consent (15 minutes)
➔ attend a weekly Zoom session live or recorded where participants will engage in a discussion of Kemetic concepts, practice Kemetic yoga, and sit in meditation (90 minutes per session) 2022 study dates are TBD.
➔ complete an entry and exit survey (15 minutes each)
➔ submit a daily journal (10-11 minutes daily)
➔ submit a weekly check-in survey (15 minutes per week)
The total time of your participation is expected to be approximately 3 hours per week for 8 weeks. There is no compensation for participating in the study, but you may benefit by regularly participating in the mindfulness practices.
How do I sign up?
For more information, email Dr. Ebony Utley at If you are definitely interested, please electronically sign this Informed Consent and we will let you know when the next cohort launches.
Are there any health conditions that could prevent me from participating in this study?
Yes, participants must certify that they are not pregnant and do not have epilepsy, a detached retina, glaucoma, uncontrolled high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and/or irregularities including but not limited to prior heart attack; prior diagnosis by a Medical Professional of manic disorder, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia; strokes, TIAs, seizures or other brain/neurological condition or disease; family history of aneurysms, use of prescription blood thinners such as Coumadin, hospitalization for any psychiatric condition or emotional crisis within the last ten years, osteoporosis that is serious enough whereby intense movement could cause physical issues, recent physical injuries that are not fully healed and could be re-injured through intense movement, or any other medical or physical conditions which would impair or affect their ability to engage in any activities that involve physical and/or emotional release or which would cause any risk of harm.
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